Tuesday, 14 June 2011

amazing vocal exercise...

The pop piano school I'm studying in is holding this "jamming" session in a cafe/lounge in October -- and my teacher was encouraging me to participate. So essentially, students will be performing a song or two, one after the other, with instructors of the school backing them up as instrumentalists and/or vocalists. These events are usually times for the more advanced jazz students to perform for the school, but somehow my teacher thought it might be a good thing for me to take a swing at it, seeing as how I wanted to eventually work in the music industry...man that freaked me out! It still does actually.

He also suggested that I add a singing component to it, seeing as I'm learning singing as well. That just adds to the freaking out.....

On top of that, I'm still really insecure with my voice...and having to sing in front of so many people, with the speakers amplifying my voice...that's so far beyond scary that I can't really comprehend it, lol. It is that bad...

It is because of this fear, that I began watching a lot of videos on singing techniques, particularly those under the Singing Success brand. They have the best teachers there.:) I got so into it that I subscribed to one of their sites:

Singing Success TV

The videos were awesome...I learnt so much!

Watch the "Overcoming Obstacles" video if you happen to drop by the site. The full video teaches an exercise that improved my voice sooooooo much in just a few minutes. It's scary...

Learnt a lot of the science behind the voice as well, from that site. Understood lots more of the terminologg as well.

Anyways, I'm really considering purchasing the Top 7 Vocal Bundle, just so I'd have a wider variety of exercises to do every day, but I'm just worried about having to explain that piece of expenditure to the owner of the credit card...sigh...

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