Friday, 15 April 2011

professional music becoming real

Watching artistes performing on stage, listening to songs on CDs performed by our favourite has always felt like professional musicians are aliens from a world completely separate from our own. Everything from them seem so perfect -- their music...their performances...That's probably why many of us are so critical with their music, and are actually surprised, even shocked, when they mess up on stage.

Being an active student of music has changed that for me though.

The more I find myself inching towards realising the dream of becoming a professional in the music industry, the more I'm seeing world-class artistes and musicians as humans, capable of mistakes. This change in perspective has left me being a whole lot more impressed with their work. Empathising with them has become a lot easier as well.

Once we imagine it is us, who are on stage, singing and running about for hours, we can't help but realise the exhaustion they must feel...learn how high the risk of them tripping or knocking something over on the stage is, not to mention the nerves they must feel being in front of thousands of people, while having cameras recording their every move. We still feel really impressed and proud of them for finishing the performances, even if they finish them while out of tune. The longer they are able to hold off mistakes on stage, the more amazing they become.

Same goes for their music. I know the audio engineers and producers would be there to make sure every song would turn out perfect, but it's still a feat for anyone to be able to create, mix and "express" pieces of music that's not only pleasing to the ear, but have the power to affect each of us listeners personally, sometimes even changing the moods we were feeling before.

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